Since 1988, FCITS has been the company of choice for flooring product manufacturers when looking for certified flooring inspectors. As the only Dalton-based inspector training service, we offer the most classes and more often, and have never once canceled a class. Our investment in a brick & mortar training facility in the Flooring Capital of the World demonstrates our commitment to the industry, and to you. Other schools give you a web link and tell you to watch a video. We provide mill tours for you to see exactly how products are made.
By getting listed on the FCITS Online Registry, your information will be found by manufacturers, retailers, home owners, insurance companies, law firms and any one else who may be in need of a Certified Flooring Inspector. At any time, if you have questions or require assistance please contact FCITS. To be listed on the FCITS Online Registry, you must be a Certified FCITS Inspector.
FCITS classes are offered in Dalton, Georgia with the instructor, Joe Denman. FCITS has never canceled a class in their 33 years of operation, so you won't have to worry about canceled classes and airline penalties. If you would like to register online or for more information on any of these classes, please call FCITS at (800) 462-2151, or e-mail
Yarn Systems: Advanced discussion on features & benefits of all fibers used in carpet production. Installation Related Issues: Learn how to detect and determine if the carpet is installed properly. Industry Standards: Understand and apply all relative industry standards to each inspection. Jobsite Requirements: Full discussion on correct jobsite conditions and maintenance procedures.
ASTM F 710: Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring; Section 5.2 pH Testing. ASTM F 1869: Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium chloride. Find out exactly who needs your service. Actual contacts of industry companies looking for concrete slab moisture testers are provided.

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